Learn how to plan a vacation and talk about your past travel experiences in English. In this intermediate English lesson you will see someone talking to a travel agent about where to go on vacation. The travel agent asks several questions about the person's experiences using "ever" and "never".
En el siguiente video se explican los secretos de Ryanair gracias a una documental realizada con la ayuda de dos azafatas-periodistas infiltradas en la empresa. (hablada y parcialmente subtitulada en inglés). Si no tienes un buen nivel de inglés entenderás poco, pero siempre es bueno oir para ejercitar tu oido y cuantos más videos veas más mejorará tu LISTENING.
school graduation. I´ve always worked hard in my career.
Has Eve had an interesting life since they last met? Yes, she has.
Eve worked very hard in school. Eve had a family.
Learn how to talk about the past using the present perfect and the past simple tenses in English. In this intermediate English lesson you will see two high school friends talking about their lives since they last saw each other and how to find a good balance in life.
Es un cineasta documentalista y escritor estadounidense conocido por su postura progresista y su visión crítica hacia la globalización, las grandes corporaciones, la violencia armada, la invasión a Iraq y a otros países y las políticas del gobierno de George W. Bush y sus antecesores.
Sus documentales BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE, FARENHEIT 9/11, y SICKO (Haz click en los links si quieres verlas) recibieron numerosos premios y fueron vistas en todo el mundo.
En esta entrevista queda claro el interés que tienen los medios de comunicación de Estados Unidos por desprestigiarlo. Pero Michael ya esta acostumbrado a eso. Y es un gran provocador, aunque asegura no ser socialista, CAPITALISMO : UNA HISTORIA DE AMOR acaba con una versión americana de LA INTERNACIONAL. Para oírla: Haz click aquí debajo. LaInternationale sung by Tony Babino -
the word "get" in one of your lessons ? What are the differences between "which" and "what"? How do we express dates in English ? Are there any variations ?
What do you consider most important in you career ?
May I ask you what your greatest weakness is ?
Learn how to form polite questions in the context of a professional job interview. In this intermediate English lesson you will see a job interview taking place in an office. Listen to the polite way the interviewer is asking questions.
to be expressed as a gerund or an infinitive ? What are the differences between the words "cause" and "reason"? A very wet word : WATER What if any, are the differences between the words "while" and "whilst"?
Pollution : damage caused to the environment or nature. If the temperature continues to rise the polar ice will melt.
Learn how to talk about climate change and global warming in English using the first conditional tense. In this intermediate English lesson you will see a student talking to a professor about climate change. Your teacher will teach you some important English vocabulary for talking about the environment.
CONVERSATIONS WITH HISTORY 6 Robert S. McNamara, former Secretary of Defense and former President of the World Bank reminisces with host Harry Kreisler about public service, the War in Vietnam, znc the dangers of the superpower confrontation during the Cold War.